Here are our Waitlist Options, for your consideration . . .
Welcome and thank you for exploring The Waters of Mayowood!
The Waters on Mayowood currently has a waitlist for most apartment-home types in senior living and specialty care. Learn more about how our active and inactive waitlists work below.
Active Waitlist
(Moving in the Next 12 Months)
If you are considering making your home with us, please know that there is an application fee of $1,000 to go on our active list. When offered an apartment that you like, the application fee of $1,000 will transfer and serve as a reservation deposit. Once you take possession of the apartment-home, the $1,000 will be taken off the first month’s rent as a credit. Should you decide you would like to be removed from the wait list, we do refund the entire fee back to you, so be assured that there is no chance you could lose the money.
Inactive Waitlist
(12+ Months Out)
If you feel you would not be ready to move for at least a year or more, you may go on our inactive waitlist at no fee. When you get closer to the time you would like to move, you can activate and pay the fee at that time, but you get to keep the date you first went into our system as inactive, which will result in bringing you up the active waitlist faster.
Simply complete the waitlist application that suits your interest and submit either by mail or drop off at The Waters on Mayowood.
The Waters on Mayowood
827 Mayowood Road SW
Rochester, MN 55902
Tours are available by appointment. If you would like to learn more about The Waters on Mayowood, please contact Jacque Hahn, Senior Living Consultant, by phone at 507-252-2914.